Easy Kid's Tiffin Box Ideas

When I was in High School I had two favourite subject

Launch and recessπŸ˜†πŸ€­

School's have opened after the summer break and while your life is back to a routine the kids are having a hard time going to back to school after long holidays. Feeling stressed 😟 about what to serve your children?? are you not sure what your children might actually eat. Do you need some fresh ideas? Then this is the right place for you!

Actually Packing lunch box is another struggle as they have to be lured into going to school by making their favourite dishes. I have a system where you can create a weekly chart for the kids tiffin.

I can remember my Mom always packed a healthy, well balanced lunch that I most enjoyed in my lunch time😊 So have a look for some idea's πŸ‘‰

1. Paratha Wraps

Paratha warps are one of the most nutritious meals for your kid at school. Cooke small parathas preferably in ghee and make sure to make them small and soft. Put a layer of sauce or jam on it depending on kids liking. Then spread a layer of cooked vegetable on it which could be any vegetable of choice. just warp it around and its ready to be eaten. If your child πŸ§’ like it, then there is nothing better than this.

2. Bread rolls

Make some potato πŸ₯” stuffing as per your taste. Don't forget to add some small veggies to it to make it nutritious. Heat some oil for deep frying 🍳 Take a bread loaf and dip it in water. Take it out immediately and  squeeze it by pressing in between both the hands. This will remove excess water from it. Put a spoon full of feeling in the centre of bread and cover it. Deep fry it when the oil is ready and yummy bread rolls for your kid are ready to be packed.

3. Ragi dosas

To your normal dosa batter just add one or two spoons full of  Ragi powder and let it soak for fifteen to twenty minutes. Your dosa batter is now rich in calcium which is most needed to your kid. Just look this dosas like you would cook normally and serve it with some jam  and sauce to cover up the slight difference in taste initially.

4. Fruit salad

This is easy and very healthy option for children. They maybe choosy about eating some fruits and leaving others as per his taste preferences. So try to make the best use of the company of his friends and give him a fruit salad involving all seasonal fruit. He maybe picky a few times in eating it but could accept it soon. Usually in school kids would feel hungry after physical activities and play time and hence would eat whatever is given. You can even stack them on a satay stick and make it fun or make a fruit chat by adding some chat masala to it

Hope your children love itπŸ’“



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